In the Taber’s Medical Dictionary there is no listing/definition for cleanse, but according to Google the definition is as follows:
make (something, especially the skin) thoroughly clean.
rid (a person, place, or thing) of something seen as unpleasant, unwanted, or defiling.
free (someone) from sin or guilt.”
Which I think is quite accurate for what we are trying to do from a Naturopathic perspective. Cleansing is NOT fasting and the two should not be confused. In a cleanse we DO eat and drink but it's what we decide to eat and drink that make it a ‘cleanse”.
So, why should you cleanse? Because life is toxic. We have a choice of how clean a life we decide to live by our habits (good and bad) and what we put into our body (food, beverages, and pharmaceuticals.). However, there are many things that are less in our control. For example, I ride my bike to work (good for me) but I ride with traffic and suck in all that exhaust (bad for me). I love my job (good for me) but it can be quite stressful especially when you find out all your data has been corrupted in your accounting program and you need to re-enter the last two months worth of data and are trying to get all the information to the tax accountant to get year end done in time (bad for me).
Hence, I cleanse, to get rid of all that is unpleasant and unwanted. If that is not reason enough, I believe a clean body is both anti cancer and anti aging.
Cleansing can take many forms. There is never the perfect time, when the weather, the stars, and your schedule all align to get it done so you just have to commit. If life is busy, as it usually is right after Christmas and New Years, do an easy cleanse that just eliminates alcohol and cleanses the liver. In the spring I do my major cleanse where I consume just broths and juices. It’s my spring cleaning of the body and it just feels right. The weather is changing and the flowers are blooming and it's not too hot. (Is it ever too hot in Vancouver though?)
It is often the case that you don't feel well during the actual cleanse but you feel so much better afterwards which is why it's important to choose a cleanse that is applicable to where you are and what you are trying to achieve by it.
Remember, it's all about balance and strivingto maintain a homeostasis! Nike had it right.