Spring Cleanse June 2018


Springtime is known as a time for “Spring Cleaning” which usually pertains to the house, yard, garage, etc.  But what about the body?  It’s time to release those toxins we’ve been storing up all winter, and prepare for the coming summer.

Join Dr. Glenda Laxton for a cleansing program held in a group format in order to share and encourage the process. 

NEW: Yoga & Meditation Class Included





Session Dates: Wednesday’s 5:30 PM

MAY 24 -- prep class

MAY 31 -- cleanse begins

June 7 -- follow up


Program Details:

Day 1 (June 9th) & 2 - Preparation for cleanse-eating a clean diet.

Day 3, 4 &5 - Cleanse days (to coincide with the weekend.) Please keep your social schedule to a minimum. Juice, broth and tea only.

Day 6 & 7 Reintroduction of food

Week 2 Maintenance diet for a week (slowly introducing foods back into the diet in a specific sequence)

* You will need a juicer for days 3, 4 and 5. If you don’t have one, try to borrow one

* A package will be given out in the prep class with shopping lists etc. included.

Please call 604-681-5585 to register ASAP as space is limited.

Cost: $90.00 +GST

(approximately $120.00 for support supplements)